
Showing posts from July, 2010

New Modem (ZTE MF 622)

Wah.... wah..... Sudah lama tidak update blog sendiri.... barusan saja beli modem merk ZTE MF 622 seharga 300rb, murah meriah.... model lebih besar dari yang biasanya berbentuk flashdisk. Ini dulunya bundling dengan 3. Lumayan juga sih speednya, sempat balik lagi ke toko penjual buat setting, sempat ditanya penjual-nya... "kok laptopnya gak dibawa sekalian pak?". Tak jawab dengan jujur dan tulus dan sedikit mesem..."saya ndak punya laptop mas, ini langsung ke PC"...

Speak Gently

Speak gently. It is better by far to rule by love than fear. Speak gently. Let no harsh word mar the good you may do here. Speak gently to the young, for they will have enough to bear; pass through this life as best they may, 'tis full of anxious care.

Take My Hand

Are you troubled, burdened, blue? Take my hand. I've been troubled, too, I understand. Where you've fallen, once I fell -- Let me help the clouds dispel -- Take my hand.

The Lord Test

I woke up this morning and knew that today, The sun would not be shining and the clouds would be gray. As I stepped outside, rain fell upon my head. My car wouldn't start so I walked to school instead. I forgot all of my assignments I failed all of my tests. I dropped my head in disgust and asked the Lord for one request. "Lord, why is it that things won't go my way?"