The Best Leaders Make Unforgettable First Impressions
Leaders that try too hard to win people over are the ones that end up losing the respect of their employees – especially when it’s not genuine. The most memorable leaders know how to naturally make a good first impression. They are mindful of what most employees do and don’t expect of them and want to create for them a safe environment that enables engagement. Leadership success is all about people and when leaders forget this fact, they are headed down a path of self-destruction. First impressions are earned quickly, but it takes time for employees to figure out the impact you are attempting to create in your leadership role. I’ve seen many leaders attempt to use their power and influence to impress their employees only to find this strategy backfiring because they were too aggressive – rather than taking a more steady approach that invites other ideas and ideals into the fold. First-Impressions Leadership is not about acting the part, b...