Decrease Windows 7's shutdown times by killing services and applications faster.

This registry tweak will reduce the amount of time Windows 7 spends waiting for services to shut themselves down before presenting you the option of shutting them down manually and restarting or turning off the computer. This wait can be particularly annoying when a program has crashed into an infinite loop and will never be able to shut itself down. As with any registry tweak, make sure to back up your system files and registry settings before you give this one a try! To kill services more quickly, use the following registry tweak:

In the 'Start' menu, type "Regedit" into the search bar and hit 'Enter'. The Registry Editor window will pop up. You need to navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control'.

On the right hand side of the screen you'll see an entry called 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'. Right click on it and hit modify. Change the value from 12000 (milliseconds, or 12 seconds) to a more realisitic 5000 (5 seconds). Close the registry editor, your changes are saved automatically.
