
Showing posts from 2010

Moving Away to Wordpress ???

Sekarang sudah mulai migrasi ke blog baru Wordpress terlihat lebih rumit, dan memang rumit, tapi juga terlihat lebih profesional, hahaha.... Masih belajar utak atik di wordpress, kalo dibandingkan blogspot memang wordpress lebih banyak pilihan settingnya, masih harus banyak belajar disana... Blog yang ini tidak akan ditinggalkan, kalo dengan wordpress masih terlalu rumit maka akan kembali kesini, hahaha... Saatnya berburu tutorial lagi.... ~RH~

Just moved to Windows 7?

Use Windows Easy Transfer to Import User Accounts, Files and Settings from other Windows operating systems into Windows 7. Windows 7 comes with a utility called Easy Transfer that lets you transfer useful files like your favorite websites, documents and file folders from an older computer into Windows 7. It's an easy way to save yourself the headache of having to configure a new Windows 7 computer with all of your old settings. Best of all, Easy Transfer can be run from a USB cross cable, a USB flash drive or even from an existing hard drive, so it's easy to move data from one Windows installation to another. To access Easy Transfer: Open the 'Start' menu in Windows 7 and type 'Easy Transfer' into the search bar. Follow the on-screen instructions that will prompt you to create the Easy Transfer utility on both your old and new PC and get it ready for transferring your data. Once you're ready it's easy to take files off of your old Windows install, and ad...

Decrease Windows 7's shutdown times by killing services and applications faster.

This registry tweak will reduce the amount of time Windows 7 spends waiting for services to shut themselves down before presenting you the option of shutting them down manually and restarting or turning off the computer. This wait can be particularly annoying when a program has crashed into an infinite loop and will never be able to shut itself down. As with any registry tweak, make sure to back up your system files and registry settings before you give this one a try! To kill services more quickly, use the following registry tweak: In the 'Start' menu, type "Regedit" into the search bar and hit 'Enter'. The Registry Editor window will pop up. You need to navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control'. On the right hand side of the screen you'll see an entry called 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'. Right click on it and hit modify. Change the value from 12000 (milliseconds, or 12 seconds) to a more realisitic 5000 (5 seconds). ...

New Modem (ZTE MF 622)

Wah.... wah..... Sudah lama tidak update blog sendiri.... barusan saja beli modem merk ZTE MF 622 seharga 300rb, murah meriah.... model lebih besar dari yang biasanya berbentuk flashdisk. Ini dulunya bundling dengan 3. Lumayan juga sih speednya, sempat balik lagi ke toko penjual buat setting, sempat ditanya penjual-nya... "kok laptopnya gak dibawa sekalian pak?". Tak jawab dengan jujur dan tulus dan sedikit mesem..."saya ndak punya laptop mas, ini langsung ke PC"...

Speak Gently

Speak gently. It is better by far to rule by love than fear. Speak gently. Let no harsh word mar the good you may do here. Speak gently to the young, for they will have enough to bear; pass through this life as best they may, 'tis full of anxious care.

Take My Hand

Are you troubled, burdened, blue? Take my hand. I've been troubled, too, I understand. Where you've fallen, once I fell -- Let me help the clouds dispel -- Take my hand.

The Lord Test

I woke up this morning and knew that today, The sun would not be shining and the clouds would be gray. As I stepped outside, rain fell upon my head. My car wouldn't start so I walked to school instead. I forgot all of my assignments I failed all of my tests. I dropped my head in disgust and asked the Lord for one request. "Lord, why is it that things won't go my way?"

Shrink Volume - Creating a new partition from an existing logical hard drive space

It's possible to create a new partition from existing hard drive space in Windows 7 through the use of something called the 'Disk Management' console and its Shrink Volume tool. This is particularly useful when you want to install a second operating system; the best example being 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 running on the same physical computer hardware. Virtual PC allows you similar functionality, but not the native OS aspect. As it's best to install 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems on separate hard drive partitions, this tip is handy because you can circumvent re-formatting and reinstalling the original OS data. The OS partition must have enough free space available that it can be split up. As always, be sure to back up your data first in case something goes wrong. To make a new partition from an existing OS hard drive partition: Go to the Control Panel and navigate to the 'System and Maintenance' tab, then 'Administrative Tools' and cli...

Write-Cache buffering in Windows 7

You can get a somewhat risky boost to hard drive performance by turning off Write-Cache Buffer Flushing. This option stops the operating system from copying the hard drive's buffer to the storage platters at regular intervals, instead leaving the buffered information to be copied and cleared when its full. The result is a faster hard drive performance, but you do risk losing buffered information should the hard drive ever lose power. To turn off Windows Write-cache buffer flushing: In the 'Start' menu, type "Device Manager" into the 'search' bar. Under the 'Disk Drives' tab, you'll find your current hard drives listed. Right click on the desired drive and go to "Properties". Under the 'Policies' tab, you'll find the "Turn off Windows 7 Write-Cache Buffer Flushing" checkbox. Turn it on and you're all set!

Disable UAC notifications

Diambil dari PCSTATS Newsletter : If you've used Windows Vista you'll remember User Account Control, or UAC. It was that annoying nag screen that would pop up and ask you if you really wanted to change your screen resolution or copy a file. Even more gratingly it could (and still does) break certain legacy software thanks to conflicts with older Windows system drivers. Windows 7's UAC isn't quite as annoying as it was in Vista, but a lot of the underlying problems and incompatibles are still there. While the UAC can definitely provide an extra layer of system security, advanced users may still want to disable it. Here's how you do it: In the 'Start' menu, type "MSCONFIG" into the 'Search' bar. Find the 'Tools' tab, and select 'Change UAC settings' and click 'Launch'. To disable the UAC completely, drag the slider all the way down to 'Never notify'. Goodbye, UAC!

Surat Dari Anak Pintar

Seorang ayah mendapati kamarnya sudah rapi, dengan selembar amplop di atas kasur bertuliskan 'Untuk ayah'. Perlahan amplop itu mulai dibuka... Ayah tercinta, Aku menulis surat ini dengan perasaan sedih dan sangat menyesal. Saat ayah membaca surat ini, aku telah pergi meninggalkan rumah. Aku pergi bersama kekasihku, dia cowok yang baik. Ayah juga pasti akan setuju meski dengan tatto-tato dan piercing yang melekat di tubuhnya, juga dengan motor buntutnya serta rambut gondrongnya. Dia sudah cukup dewasa meskipun belum begitu tua, aku pikir jaman sekarang 46 tahun tidaklah terlalu tua. Dia sangat baik terhadapku, lebih lagi dia ayah dari anak di kandunganku saat ini. Dia memintaku untuk membiarkan anak ini lahir dan kita akan membesarkan bersama. Kami akan tinggal berpindah-pindah, dia punya bisnis perdagangan extacy dan heroin yang sangat luas, dia juga telah meyakinkanku bahwa marijuana itu tidak begitu buruk. Kami akan tinggal bersama sampai maut memisahkan kami. Para ahli pengo...

Humor : Siapa yang Pendeta ?

Ada kisah di suatu kota yang penduduknya penduduknya 99% pemeluk agama Kristen. Setiap minggu kota terasa begitu sepi, karena mereka beribadah ke gereja. Jadi kalau mau mencari pak hakim, pak RT, pak walikota dan sebagainya, datang saja ke gereja pasti ketemu. Hingga suatu hari, di sebelah gereja ada proyek bangunan yang mulai dikerjakan ... Lalu suatu hari pak pendeta bertanya ke tukang bangunan tersebut, "Akan dibuat gedung apa di sini?" Kata pekerja di sana, "Akan dibangun sebuah diskotik." Pendeta itu tersenyum dan berkata dalam hatinya, "Apa masih waras ini orang membangun diskotik di tengah kota yang warganya 99% beragama Kristen. Pasti tidak akan laku."

Humor : 10 Pertanyaan bule yang susah dijawab

10. "Why is everybody in a hurry?" Ditanya seorang bule ketika dia liat mobil mobil pada nyalip lewat bahu jalan tol (klo menurutku bawa mobil pelan2 jadi kantuk yah..apalagi jauh perjalanan) 9. "Why do you still live with ur parents?" Ditanya seorang bule kepada seorang wanita 25 tahun. Nampaknya si bule membandingkan dengan tempat tinggalnya di Amerika. 8. "Can you teach me how to say R?" Maksudnya R-nya Indonesia. Hehehehe 7. "Why do you call me BULE?"

Humor : Snotty Receptionist

An older gentleman had an appointment to see the urologist who shared offices with several other doctors. The waiting room was filled with patients. As he approached the receptionist' s desk, he noticed that the receptionist was a large unfriendly woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler. He gave her his name.

New Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are the most overlooked, but fastest way to navigate and manipulate windows and data in the Operating System. Any true geek will tell you this, but it's surprising how many people scoff at the idea of keyboard shortcuts that save wrist movement, extra clicks and streamline repetitive tasks. Here's a list of the new Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts - how many do you already know? Win + Home : Hide/Unhide everything but the current window. Win + Space: Make all windows transparent so you can see the desktop. Win + T: Cycle through the entries on the taskbar. Win + P : Cycle through projector or secondary video output mode. Win + (+/-) : Activate the windows magnification tool and zoom in/out. Win + Up: Maximize the current window. Win + Down: Restore or minimize the current window. Win + Left/Right : Move the window to the left or right of the screen, or over to a second monitor. (PS. The Windows Key is "Win")